Unbrako Screw

UNBRAKO socket screws and related products
In this catalog you will find complete information about UNBRAKO socket screws and such related products as shoulder screws, dowel pins, pressure plugs and hex keys. Everything you need to select, specify and order these precision products is at your finger tips except actual prices. Furthermore, all data has been organized to let you find the facts you want with the greatest speed and the least effort. Wherever possible, all data for a particular product is presented in a two-page spread for your convenience.
Included in this catalog are:
UNBRAKO fastener product descriptions
Technical discussions for application and use
Features and technical data about each product
Referenced consensus standards can change over time. UNBRAKO products are manufactured in accordance with revisions valid at time of manufacture.
This guide refers to products and sizes that may not be manufactured to stock. Please consult an UNBRAKO distributor or UNBRAKO to determine stock status.
The technical discussions represent typical applications only. The use of the information is at the sole discretion of the reader. Because applications vary enormously, UNBRAKO does not warrant the scenarios described are appropriate for any specific application.The reader must consider all variables prior to using this information.
Products modified other than by UNBRAKO are not guaranteed and not subject to return.

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